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Integration events

Every professional Manager knows how important a good, motivated team is for the company. Whether you are planning a simple yet exciting team building exercise in open air, or a prestigious trip to the end of the world that will amaze your people and leave unforgettable impressions – we are at your disposal. We have already organised trips to more than 60 countries throughout the world. Result? A distinguished group of regular customers who cannot imagine entrusting any other travel agency with such important projects.

Each concept is analysed in detail already at the stage of choosing the way to organise the event, its main idea and, of course, the destination. As professional event organisers we are trying to keep up with both already known and completely new destinations. Our ideas? Always new, fresh and intriguing…

Impuls Travel Office also organises events. Here, the only limits are the technical possibilities. We offer promotional events or jubilee celebrations, with a complete artistic setting that highlights the unique character of any such event. Our events have already hosted the most famous stars of Polish music scene, but also less popular but doubtlessly great musicians and performers.

e-mail: incentive@impulstravel.eu

Some of our Clients include:
Your Company is assisted by a dedicated employee supported by our whole team.
The contact person is available on mobile phone and e-mail whenever necessary. From the concept to the realisation and settlement.