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Conferences and trainings

One of the main elements of our activity is providing comprehensive services for conferences, congresses, trainings, seminars and workshops in Poland and abroad, regardless of the industry, depending on the needs and on the main objectives of the event. Our over ten years’ experience in this respect allows us to offer optimised and most up-to-date solutions.

We guarantee timely registration and payment of conference entry fees, securing air travel, transfers, accommodation and other social benefits. All these services are on the appropriate level, performed professionally and in compliance with generally accepted principles.

Each event is handled by a dedicated employee – the Project Manager, who is responsible for every stage of preparation, realisation and settlement.

e-mail: konferencje@impulstravel.eu

Some of our Clients include:
Your Company is assisted by a dedicated employee supported by our whole team.
The contact person is available on mobile phone and e-mail whenever necessary. From the concept to the realisation and settlement.